Monday, April 14, 2008


After reading Afterword in 1984, I think in some ways we should take this novel as a warning for the future. Throughout history humans have been changing and adapting to thier environment, and finding ways to make things easier for themselves and eliminate problems that we all face. In 1984, the thought of love of another human being is illegal. This eliminates the possibility of being hurt, or heartbroken, and having secrets against the party. It is rational, and at the same time ridiculous. "But the physical difficutly of meeting was enormous. It was like trying to make a move at chess when you were already mated. Whichever way you turned, the telescreen faced you" pg. 92. as you can see it is forbidden to even think of wanting to be with another of your choice.
With all of mankind focused on making things easier and more convinient for themselves and making our society perfect, this utopia in 1984 in reality is not that far off. This book is a warning because it exposes the down fall of a utopia because I do believe that this type of society cannot last because of the power of human will.

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